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Health Secure, an electronic health record system is a digital version of a patient’s medical paper records. It is a real-time, patient-centered record management system that makes information available instantly and securely to authorized users. It is a globally accessible online tool which allows members to upload their health records in their personal and confidential space on our website. This handy source of the entire medical history of an individual incorporates in them an in-built consciousness towards their own health. It helps to assemble all the information about an individual’s health at one particular place, where one can see, upload and download the data as and when required. Following records can be maintained on Health Secure:
Benefits of HeathSecure (ePHR):
One of the key features is that health information can be created and managed by authorized providers in a digital format that can be shared with other providers across more than one health care organization. It is built to enable information sharing with other health care providers and organizations such as laboratories, specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and workplace clinics.
Connect with us on our helpline +91 22 40004200 or drop us an email for more information.
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